To have a good profile on LinkedIn, it is important that you follow some tips. First of all, you must add a professional profile photo. Members with a LinkedIn profile photo can receive up to 21 times more profile views than members without one. It's also important to personalize your LinkedIn URL so it's easy to remember and share. In addition, you must share valuable information for your sector and take advantage of mentions so that specific contacts see you. Join groups in your industry and keep your LinkedIn profile always up to date. Use quality photos in your profile and make sure your professional extract is interesting and catches the reader's attention.
Your LinkedIn profile should include all relevant information about your professional career. This includes your work experience, skills and certifications, education, and any other relevant information that can help employers understand your skills and experience. It is also important that you include a professional profile photo and a headline that describes your experience and skills. Also, you should make sure that your profile is up-to-date and complete.
It is important that you include all relevant information in your LinkedIn profile. However, you do not need to include all the details of your studies. Instead, you should focus on the aspects that are most important and relevant to your professional career. For example, you can include the title of your studies and the institution where you did it. It is also important that you include any certifications or skills you have acquired during your studies.
In general, it is recommended that your work experience be as detailed as possible, but without exceeding space limits or boring readers. Some tips to achieve this are:
- Use action verbs and quantifiable results to describe your accomplishments and responsibilities in each position.
- Include keywords relevant to your industry or profession that can help you stand out from other candidates.
- Tailor your work experience to the offer or type of job you aspire to, highlighting the most in-demand skills and competencies.
There are several ways to make your LinkedIn profile more visible:
- Share content on your profile: Share valuable content for your target audience.
- Customize public profile settings: You can customize public profile settings to set limits on the profile information that is displayed.
- Adjust the visibility of your profile and network: You can adjust the visibility of your profile and network in the privacy settings.
- Use keywords in your profile: Use keywords in your profile so that recruiters can find you easily.
- Ask your colleagues for recommendations: Recommendations can help improve your personal brand.
These are some of the aspects to take into account when creating your Linkedin profile. Something similar happened with your Leindu profile. If you are a professional and you are thinking of offering a service, these tips can be applied. You can easily create it from your user.
How to create an attractive profile on Leindu?
Creating a profile on leindu is quick and easy, but what can we do to make it attractive to users looking for a service? Here we are going to leave you some of the aspects that can help more clients contact you.
First of all, you must be clear about the difference between your profile and your service. The difference is that while in the profile you must describe yourself and your abilities, in the service you must describe what you offer. For example, a psychologist should put her studies in a profile, such as her personality, skills, contact information, etc. While in the service it refers to what it does specifically and its price, for example couples therapy or specialized in children, the price, when it is available and other information only related to that task.
A profile can have multiple services. That same psychologist can give a description of how he performs his function helping children, with certain characteristics; and on the other hand, how does his work for couples therapy. Since the person has only one training, in this case only one profile is necessary while the two services he offers are different. The price, the way of approaching the therapy, the availability may vary as they are different tasks. The same happens with a professional who performs renovation tasks and at the same time plumbing, her profile may be the same but the services, the way of acting and the prices are different.
In the same way, a user can have several profiles. For example, if that same psychologist is great at playing paddle tennis and wants to offer classes, he can do so without having to register again. Although in this case it doesn't matter his university degree in psychology, if not the time he has been playing or if he has won a championship, the service would also be totally different from what he would offer as a psychologist.
A valid rule for both the profile and the service is not to be too brief with the information. The end user who decides to contact you will base what he can on the information he can get from you, therefore you must make it clear who you are, your skills, related studies, way of working, task time, prices, etc. . It is not about "writing a book" but all the information you may need must be clear. This information must be clear and precise.
It could be something similar to a job resume. Complete information about your studies and work experience are key aspects. The user looking for a service must be clear that you are sufficiently prepared to carry out the task successfully and that you are the ideal candidate for it. For example, if you offer a job as a lawyer, something like your law degree, master's degrees and related courses, years of experience with the role and previous cases would be common in this section.
Here you should describe the task you perform. It is important that you show your work method, hours in which you can attend, if the task is online or face-to-face, the price rates. For example, the same lawyer in the previous case can offer legal services for divorce cases, during office hours, in person and charge X € per hour or charge per case.
Don't forget the pictures
In addition, it will always give a good feeling that you add images, both yours and those related to your service and your profile. For some services it is especially important, if for example you are a designer, it will help potential clients a lot if they can see some of the designs you have created in the past.