Certified Professionals

In Leindu most of the professionals you will find are independent from us, so we have no relationship with them, we do not keep anything in each transaction and we cannot assure you that they are the best (or worst), it will depend on each one although if that thanks to the evaluations of other users, you will be able to get an idea of the experience of others. 

What if we want to be sure that we choose a quality professional?  

Nothing is sure in life, but in Leindu you will be able to find professionals certified by us, in whom we trust and we have verified that they fulfill a wide series of requirements to offer a high quality service.

How do we make sure that certified professionals are really of quality? 

These professionals will have passed a rigorous selection process in which they must show sufficient worth so that we commit to certify them, mainly through good work, experience and studies in the area. We do not focus only on one aspect, but on the computation of all of them. The selection process is similar to the one done to enter any job position and, depending on the case, it may consist of several phases.

What do we get in return? 

By certifying professionals we achieve two things:

First of all , we improve the level of quality of the services offered on the platform, offering more confidence to the end consumer. 

Second, it is one of our main sources of income. In these cases, each professional must give us 20% of their earnings for service. For example, in a service in which the professional charges € 20 for one hour of service, € 4 of those € 20 would be for us. The professional will continue to be free to offer the service at the price that he considers, as long as it seems fair to us and according to the quality of the service. 

We consider it unfair that someone charges for a service triple the usual in that market if the quality of it is not justified. In the hypothetical case that Fernando Alonso gave driving lessons on the circuit, it would seem reasonable to us that he charged 10 times more than usual for the service. 

What does the professional gain in return? 

By having our certificate of professionalism, you would be directly recommended by us, which will become easier to get clients and more income. 

In addition, with the passage of time in the event that the results of the services have been good, a reduction to that 20% that you would have received would be studied, fully maintaining the status of being certified. 

In conclusion, our main objective at Leindu is to make your life easier. We believe in free competition between professionals and in the full choice of the consumer when choosing the one that best suits his preferences. To provide greater confidence to the end customer, there will be some professionals from whom we certify their good work and in whom we will make sure that the service has been carried out correctly. In the same way, this does not mean that a non-certified professional is better or worse than another certified, we simply cannot guarantee the good work of him.