A digital nomad is a person who, thanks to the advantages offered by telecommunications, can afford to live traveling around the world without settling in any fixed place for a long time.
Nowadays it is easy to get Internet access from anywhere in the world, which is why the need to work in a physical location such as an office has been reduced. Through the Internet we can make calls, send files, talk online and practically the same thing that can be done in an office.
Coronavirus has caused terrible damage to society, but despite this it has also meant a great technological advance in a good number of aspects. From one day to the next, they stopped working in the offices due to the risk of contagion and all these tasks began to be done remotely. Now working remotely is much more normalized and there are already many workers who value the comfort of working from home.
This leads to the following reflection: if I can do the same thing from another place than from the office. Why do I have to go every day? What if I don't have to go to the office every day? Why would I have to live in that place? Many people have left the city to return to live in the town without leaving their jobs. Others, on the other hand, have seen the opportunity to live anywhere in the world, three months traveling through Italy, two in Prague, eight throughout Southeast Asia, five in the Caribbean. This way we could continue as long as we wanted because the possibilities are totally infinite, the only necessary requirement is access to the internet.
More and more companies allow their workers to work remotely indefinitely, others on the other hand continue to bet on the traditional office model or a hybrid one. Keep in mind that not all jobs are equally adaptable.
If we live traveling from one place to another thanks to technology, we could consider ourselves digital nomads. Until now we have mentioned the situation for an employed worker. The idea fits even better for self-employed or self-employed workers, since it would be the highest level of freedom, not having schedules or a boss and being able to move as you wish but at the same time having a stable job.
A job like this is a dream for many, and it seems more than reasonable to us. Why live a lifetime in a big city being able to travel, enjoy the whole world and be able to spend as much time as we want near our loved ones.
Despite this, not everything is rosy. It must be taken into account that even if you are self-employed and provide your service remotely, you will always have to adapt a minimum to your clients' schedules. You will have to organize your work time in a very orderly way to be able to offer a high-quality service and continue having clients.
Some jobs have a harder time adapting to this lifestyle. If our work does not allow it and we are in love with a life traveling, we would have to ask ourselves what is most important to us. Thinking that life is very short but we have enough opportunities to reinvent ourselves. The jobs that best adapt are those related to technology, of course, although almost all office jobs do it. Furthermore, it is increasingly common for more traditional jobs such as teaching to have a greater online presence.
At Leindu we like this lifestyle although we are aware that it is not for everyone. If you find it interesting and you think you could live like this, even for a while, we want to help you. Register here and create your profile for free.
We help you attract clients from our website. We take care of the marketing. We will do everything in our power to bring new visitors to the website.. Therefore for your profile to be visible.
We eliminate the need for you to have your own website (with all the problems that this can entail, you can see them here).